Thursday 16 February 2012


So most valentines day's so far in my married life anyways, have been just like any other day. So Tuesday, the day of love, I headed to the city for some quick shopping with Kane & Tel, and to pick Kyle up at the airport. And Brennan took Rye went to the cattle auction for the day! I left at 9:00 and Brennan was just finishing up chores, a quick happy valentines day and a kiss and we both set off for the day.
But much to my suprise aaaaand if you know my husband at all you would know how unexpected this is!

Sometime before he left for the cow sale, he managed to slip to town, and make sure these were waiting on the counter when I got home...

Normally I'm not even a huge fan of roses, but there was something about them this time... maybe the bling on the vase, or the richness in the colour, or the heartfelt "love brennan" on the card ;)    Everytime I walk by them I can't help but smile! 

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