Wednesday 11 January 2012


So as January slips by it seems to be disguising itself as April. The weather has been making me very optimistic that spring will be here sooner then later. Of course as I write this post I can hear the wind gusting at about -15 so I'm sure I'm jinxing myself by writing about it! But seriously!? Its been as high as 11 degrees in some parts of Saskatchewan and the sunny melting days... its making me dream of summer and all the outdoor things I hope to get done! However its only January and I'm sure mother nature just thinks its funny to tease us. But for now i'll take all the nice days I can get!

On a more wintery note, we took the boys skating on one of the puddles that froze over :) They loved it and feel like they're big hockey players now! Me - I feel like my toe is broken after Kane saw Rye  who was skating with Brennan jumping and then digging his heels in the ice and making big marks. So before I could warn Kane not to try that game with me...  Kane missed the ice after his jump and hit my big toe instead.... twice! (Brennan was wearing steel toes)

Kane is now potty trained WOOO HOOO! After a short break we're back on track  and you know sometimes people say "oh he'll get it, it'll click...etc" I honestly never believed them! Until now - Its seems like something has really clicked, I think, (here I go jinxing myself again) he tells me he needs to pee, and hasn't had any accidents in a few days now.
On days like today I look at Kane and can't believe my biggest boy is almost 3!

Time is flying...

so awesome having Kyle around! the boys LOVE him!

spectator :)

1 comment:

  1. You need to get some wooden chairs or something else for the boys to push around and figure out their balance...looks like they are having fun
